Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Burning multi-session disc: Mac vs Windows

I didn’t know burning multi-session disc in Mac OS is still so stone age.  Even Snow Leopard doesn’t make is any easier.  In Windows, you only need to select the files to burn and press the burn button.  A dialog will appear in which the default settings do exactly what you want.  In Mac OS X… you search the web and you come across this: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=DiskUtility/11.5/en/7074.html.  What it describes doesn’t quite match the Disk Utility in Snow Leopard.  But the page doesn’t say which version of Mac OS X it’s for.  So it should be the current version, right?  I decided to follow it anyway.  The Disk Utility presented me with 4 different disc image formats to choose from.  Which one do I choose?  Should I toss a coin (two times) or try to make an educated guess?  The description of the image formats doesn’t really help at all.  The first try didn’t work: the option I chose would not create a multi-session disc.  Good thing, I realized it before actually burning the disc.  The second try… didn’t succeed either!  What the hell does the Disk Utility want from me?

Every attempt costs me 10 minutes to create the disc image before I can burn it.  Should I try two other options and spend another 20 minutes or is there an easier solution?  I give up.  I guess I’ll just wait till the size of my folder grows to match the size of the blank DVD, so I can burn it in one shot.

Update: finally I found this page: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/4836/os-x-how-to-burn-a-multisession-cd-or-dvd/.  It describes exactly what I was doing.  Except, I didn’t get the choice to check the “Leave disc appendable” box.  It was always grayed out.  Is the problem that I was trying to burn a double layer DVD?  Is it not supported for multi-session burning?


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