Friday, February 04, 2005

Where the spam comes from

Recently I found that some e-mail from Russia doesn't reach my Verizon e-mail account. From other sources I heard that Verizon blocks e-mail coming from certain countries because a large ammount of spam originates there. Or so Verizon thinks. To test their assumptions I conducted a small experiment. I collected statistics for the country of origin of spam e-mail for my Hotmail account. Of course I didn't take my Verizon account because the statistics would be skewed. So here are the results:

USA 27 57%
Korea 5 11%
China 4 9%
Hong Kong 2 4%
Canada 2 4%
Thailand 2 4%
Japan 1 2%
Uruguay 1 2%
Wales 1 2%
Qatar 1 2%
Total 47

So now you know. Keep in mind that the result from Hotmail can also be skewed. Hotmail is free to block e-mail too. But I haven't notice it doing anything like that. On the contrary with Verizon it's obvious. And yes, I turned Verizon spam filter off. POP3 and Verizon filter just don't play along.

For spam coming from the USA, the distribution along the major network providers looks like this:


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Linux on Tablet PCs

Here are some links I collected:

  1. Toshiba M200, Debian
  2. Toshiba M200, Mandrake 9.2
  3. Compaq TC1000, Debian
  4. LG Electronics LT-20, Xandros
  5. Acer C110

BTW, I myselft have FC2 on Toshiba M200. I'm planning to write about my advanture of installing it. Of course it runs side-by-side with WinXP.